Angry Birds may have lost its first place grip in the iTunes App Store, but it still reigns supreme on the NOOK. And starting today, for a limited time, Angry Birds addicts with a NOOK Color can visit ...
Just as Smule's ocarina app yields the gentle sounds of a woodwind instrument by simply blowing into an iPhone, Squeal promises to emit theremin-esque noises from the iPad with easy fingerplay. Develo ...
Check out this video to learn how you can play all of your favorite NES games on your Dropad A8 tablet. With Android version 2.3.1 you can run Nesoid emulator, and with a bluetooth dongle you can conn ...
Using Android apps like N64oid, Wiimote Controller, and Bluetooth OnOff, you can configure your Dropad A8 to play N64 games using a Wiimote at the controller. Watch this video to see how it works. Hoo ...
Take your Motorola Xoom Android gaming experience to the next level. Watch this video and follow these instructions to learn how to set up an Xbox 360 controller to work with your tablet wirelessly. P ...
Get more out of your Motorola Xoom Android tablet. Hook up a PS3 controller and enjoy all the games you can play with emulators on your tablet. Follow these instructions to make your Motorola Xoom And ...
It's not listed as one of the features on the updated Nook e-reader, but there is a web browser hidden inside Barnes & Noble's newest device, you just need to know how to access it. The eBook Reader s ...
Playboy on iDevice has historically been a big letdown for fans; in order to meet the Apple store "morality" demands, the app offers no nudity, and poorly rated features to boot. But times are changin ...
Watch this video to learn how to get Hulu streaming video on your Nook Color or other Android device. To do this, you'll need to download a modified Adobe Flash player and Dropbox. Turn your Nook Colo ...